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Go4lage Documentation

Key Features of Go4lage

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Robust content management system with an intuitive admin dashboard.

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Ready to deploy instantly with Docker Compose.

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Built-in backup system designed for maximum air-gap security.

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Simplified architecture without obscuring its inner workings.

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Optional Two-Factor Authentication for admin accounts.

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Static content SSR. For landing page or this docu.

Upcoming features include a comprehensive test suite and SEO-friendly server-side rendering. Contributions are welcome!

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Example Cost Calculation

Server costs are an essential consideration for any business. Here's a realistic cost breakdown for a typical setup:

  • Main server: €10 to €25 per month (including domain)
  • Test server: €10 per month (including domain)
  • Email service: €10 to €15 per month

Total estimated cost: €30 to €50 per month

This setup includes:

  • A production server
  • A test system mirroring the latest updates
  • Version control (free for up to 5 users on GitHub)
  • Reliable email service

Go4lage's efficient design allows for easy scaling with Docker Compose, potentially keeping costs stable even as you grow to serve multiple customers with separate instances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What does Go4lage mean? Go4lage is a play on words. 'Vorlage' (4lage) is German for template, so it roughly translates to 'GoTemplate.'
Will there be Redis support? Redis support is not planned. Go offers native caching solutions, and Postgres can be used in memory mode for SQL features if needed.
Is Go4lage really free? Yes, Go4lage is free both as in "free speech" and "free beer," even for commercial use.
How can I contribute? Please refer to our official GitHub repository for contribution guidelines.
Why is 2FA only available for superusers? Implementing 2FA requires careful planning. Go4lage provides the foundation, allowing you to configure it according to your specific security needs.
Is Go hard to learn for Django (Python) developers? While initial steps might seem challenging, Go values simplicity and is often more straightforward than Python, avoiding unexpected complexities.
Why is there no ORM? We believe ORMs add unnecessary complexity. Go4lage focuses on direct data manipulation, prioritizing the most crucial aspect of IT: the data stored in your database.
Why is the JS build included and tracked? The JS build is included to simplify setup for users who may not need to modify it, allowing for easier deployment out of the box.
How performant is Go4lage? While specific benchmarks are not yet published, Go applications are generally very fast. Go4lage's main strengths lie in its simplicity, concurrency support, and ability to produce robust, adaptable code.